Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (2024)

In Ark Genesis Part 2, you can find a lot of creatures and dinos in different parts of the map. All these creatures can be used to your advantage if you tame them. To tame them, you must first find them on the map. Finding all the different creatures can be a hassle.

We have made a complete guide that will cover all the Dinos and their Spawn locations in the Ark Genesis Part 2. It will also take you to their individual, detailed guides as well.

Ark Genesis Part 2 all Dino spawn locations

Tek Stryder

Tek Stryder is a creature that looks like a robotic deer. These creatures come with several stock non-removable attachments. Depending on the type of attachment, it can be a better resource harvesting machine or better in battle ground.

You can commonly find Tek Stryder in the Eden Trench and SUMP region of Ark Genesis. Tek Stryder is also rarely found in the Isolation Valley and Twin Tears Woodlands. It can easily be tamed using a hacking process with the help of a resource called Mutagel.

One tamed you can use the Tek Stryder as Excavator, Tame Seeker, Assault, Defender, and Support. You can learn about all the spawn locations of Tek Stryder in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (1)

Rockwell Prime

Rockwell Prime is the more human Version of the Rockwell that was found in the Ark Abberation. His chest cavity is now sealed hiding all the tentacles that were previously out. The face of the Rockwell Prime is also now a little human.

You can find Rockwell Prime in the Terminus Terminal of the ship located in the Corrupted Garden Region. You can tame the Rockwell Prime by fighting him in the arena with help of Exo-Mek.

If you want to fight with the alpha variant of Rockwell Prime, you will need 34 Mutagen. You can learn about all the spawn locations of Rockwell Prime in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (2)


Voidwyrm is an aggressive creature that looks like a mechanical version of Wyvern. It has a wing that can help him fly along with sharp teeth to bite. You can commonly find Voidwyrm spawned in the space region in between the Eden and Rockwell Garden Zone.

You can easily tame the Voidwyrm by first damaging his health and feeding him Mutagen. Once tamed, Voidwyrm can be used for War Mount, Base Destroyer, Travel, Support, and Damage.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Voidwyrm in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (3)


Astrodelphis, also known as Space Dolphin is a creature that looks like a beluga whale. The unique thing about the Astrodelphis is that it can swim in space without any wings. You can find Astrodelphis spawned in the Space region of Ark Genesis.

Astrodelphis can easily be tamed non-violently by feeding him Elements. Once tamed, you can use Astrodelphis as Starship, Space Transport, and End Game Jack of all Trades. You can learn about all the spawn locations of Astrodelphis in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (4)


Carniflora is a predator plant that looks like the Venus Fly Trap. Much like real-life plant predators, Carniflora also grabs and kills anything that comes in its range. It can instantly kill several creatures that includes Bulbdog and Noglin.

Carniflora spawns in the Isolation Valley, BLoodhorne Vale, and Afflicted Clearing region of Ark Genesis. You can fight the Carniflora with help of any weapon that throws fire such as Flame Arrow and Flamethrower.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Carniflora in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (5)


Exo Mek is the creature that is the more advanced version of Mek found in Ark Extinction. You can control the Exo Mek and use his handy to collect the resources. Exo Mek has also a laser that can help you fight the Rockwell Prime.

You cannot find Exo Mek in the map like other creatures, but you can find him spawned in between the boss fights to help us. You can also craft Exo Mek in the Tek Replicator using pearls, crystals, metal ingots, elements, and polymer.


Maewing is a creature that looks like a hybrid between platypus and squirrel. It can fly as well as swim in the water. You can find Maewing wandering around in the Eden Trench, SUMP, and Grassland near the lakes and rivers.

Maewing can easily be tamed by knocking him out in a cage and feeding him Basic Kibble as food. Maewing can be used for raising baby creatures, Travel Resource Gatherer, and Fast Travel Mount once tamed.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Maewing in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (6)


Noglin is a small creature that can jump on other creatures in Ark Genesus to control their minds. It can also transfer the control of captured creatures to their owner who tamed them.

You can commonly find the Noglin in the Fallen Mount region. They are less commonly found in the Boros Sector and Clearing Region of Ark Genesis. You can use Noglin as Saboteur, Distraction, and Assassin once he is tamed

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Noglin in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (7)


Shadowmane is an aggressive creature it looks like a unicorn lion. They travel in packs of 3 usually at the night. Shadowmane can stun its prey which will drop the traveler off the mount.

You can easily find Shadowmane all over the Rockwell Garden Zone. Shadowmane can be used as Combat Specialist, Damage Dealer, Support Tank, and All Terrain Support when tamed.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Shadowmane in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (8)

Corrupted Master Controller

Corrupted Master Controller is a creature that looks like an AI control tower. It does most of its attacks by controlling other creatures. He will only do insults and lame jokes to the survivors during the fight.

Corrupted Master Controller can be found in the fighting arena at the System Root region of the Ark Genesis. You will need to do at least 169 missions to fight with the alpha variant of the Corrupted Master Controller.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Corrupted Master Controller in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (9)


Megachelon is a creature that looks like a big beefed-up version of the turtle with two extra legs and eyes. You can build a floating base on top of the shell of the Megachelon. Megachelon can be found swimming all over the ocean region of the Ark Genesis.

You can passively tame the Megachelon with the Parakeet Fish School found in the ocean. Once tamed Megachelon can be used as Mobile Base, Green House, Tank, Transport, Chitin Farmer, and Rare Flower source.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Megachelon in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (10)

Space Whale/Astrocetus

Astrocetus also known as Space Whale is a creature that looks like a more aggressive version of the whale. Much like the modern whale, Astrocetus also make blowholes in the sky and release cosmic energy.

You can commonly find Astrocetus wandering around all over the lunar biome of Ark Genesis. Astrocetus can be tamed by just knocking him out. You can use Astrocetus as Titan Killer, Raid Dino, Lunar Biome Brute Hunter, and Bomber Plane once tamed.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Astrocetus in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (11)


Bloodstalker is an aggressive creature that looks bizarre alien form of a spider. It kills its prey by latching onto its blood veins and skucking its dry. You can find Bloodstalker all over the Swamp biome of the Ark Genesis.

Bloodstalker can be tamed nonviolently by feeding him the blood from the Blood Pack. You can use Bloodstalker as Master Tamer, Bio Toxin Harvester, All Terrain Harvester, Scout, Cave Mount, Egg Thief, and Pack Animal when tamed.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Bloodstalker in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (12)

Tek Triceratops

Tek Triceratops also known as trike is a creature with three horns on the head. It has the bucking attack that can knock the enemy in seconds. You can find Tek Triceratops all over the Lunar Biome of the Ark Genesis.

Tek Triceratops can be tamed by knocking him out and feeding the Simple Kibble as the food. You can use Tek Triceratops as Transport, Travelling, Battle Mount, Guardian, Protector, and Thatch Gatherer when tamed.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Tek Triceratops in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (13)


Magmasaur is a fire-based creature that looks like a bearded dragon. It can use fire to its advantage and attack through heat power. You can find Magmasaur all over the Volcanic Biome of Ark Genesis.

Magmasaur cannot be tamed but you can hatch its eggs to tame them. You can use Magmasaur as a Tank, Mobile Forge, Golem Killer, Mineral Gatherer, and Boss Fighter once tamed.

You can learn about all the spawn locations of Magmasaur in Ark Genesis from the map image below:

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (14)

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn Map (2024)


How do you fix no dinos spawning in Ark? ›

Here we explain how to do it!
  1. Stop your server.
  2. Navigate to the basic settings.
  3. Find the setting DinoCountMultiplier and set it to 1,5 – 2 (not higher)
  4. Start the server.
  5. Once in the game, execute the admin command “destroywilddinos”

How to summon all Genesis 2 creatures in Ark? ›

  1. Allosaurus: Cheat sdf allo_character_bp_r 1 150.
  2. Carno: Cheat sdf carno_character_bp_r 1 150.
  3. Dilo: Cheat sdf dilo_character_bp_r 1 150.
  4. Male Reaper: Cheat sdf xenomorph_character_BP_male_gen2 1 150.
  5. Female Reaper: Cheat sdf xenomorph_character_BP_female_gen2 1 150.
  6. Bronto: Cheat sdf sauropod_character_bp_r 1 150.
Jun 7, 2021

How many gigas spawn in Gen 2? ›

Ark Genesis 2 All 8 Giga Spawn Locations [Where to find Gigas on Genesis 2] : r/ARK.

What stops dinos from spawning? ›

Spawn suppression is the mechanic whereby placed buildings prevent animal and resource re spawns in a set radius. Foundations 'emit' spawn suppression, but fence foundation and pillars do not, only stopping resources that would intersect with their structure.

Can gigas mate with R gigas? ›

There are different gigas you can't breed an “R giga” with a normal one “R gigas” have more bonuses | Giganotosaurus Tips | Dododex.

What is the difference between gigas and R gigas? ›

Unlike the other theropods, Giganotosaurus have little to no armor on its very large body, save for the spikes on its head and the ridge down its spine. The R-variant of the Giga features markings along its back and on top of its head.

What map does the giga spawn the most? ›

All the non-story maps are pretty good for getting gigas on, since they favor higher levels, same with Gen2. Rag is a really good one aside from the highlands you mentioned they also spawn in se desert and area just north of green ob.

Ark Genesis: Part 2 Dino Spawn MapSegmentNext ›

We have made a complete guide that will cover all the Dinos and their Spawn locations in the Ark Genesis Part 2.
I just bought the Genesis 2 DLC and when I logged in with great surprise I realised that it was almost empty. I flew around a bit and I was indeed…
Hello, I am currently exploring Genesis for the first time, and I have noticed that dinosaurs do not respawn in the single player version of the game. I noticed...

How do you get Dinos to spawn? ›

There are two standard commands in the game for spawning in creatures. SpawnDino and Summon are the two primary commands. When you use the summon command, the dinosaur just appears where you are standing. The dino level is random, and if it's a normally hostile dino, it's going to instantly attack you!

Why won t it let me spawn in ark? ›

In your Steam library, right click it and select Properties. Go to the Installed Files tab and select the bottom option, 'Verify integrity of game files'. That will scan through the game's data on your computer and redownload any corrupted or missing files. It may take some time, so leave it to finish.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.