The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

Los Angeles ME Times JANUARY 27, WEDNESDAY MORNING. DAILY EASTERN CITRUS MARKETS Oranges Lemons January 24 and 25 76 17 Season to date 2,471 1.971 Last season to date 6,128 2,172 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA 24 and 25 5 January BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Carlot shipments of California citrus, compiled from railroad passing reports for the California Fruit Growers' Exchange, were given as follows: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Season to date Last season to date California oranges and lemons were western auction centers. Sales totaled cars of lemons. The price range per box: Graded above choice New fort. 4.45 5.55 5.05 5.70 Chicago 4.15 5.45.

Louis 4.90 Baltimore 4.80 Detroit 5.70 5.80 Yesterday's auction sales averages by anges were reported by the California 1005, 3.89: 126s. 4.29; 150s. 4.63; 1768, 288s. 5.38; 3445, 4.43; 392s, 4.00. Carlot auction sales averages per box of California citrus were reported to the California Fruit Growers' Exchange on its own brands and to the Associated Press on all others as follows: NEW YORK- -Navels strong 805 to 150s best, easier to lower balance; lemons opened slightly lower, closed easier to lower especially choice, Sales: Nine cars oranges, eight cars lemons.

Florida sales: January 25-Seventy-five cars oranges. 2.90; Afty-one cars grapefruit, 1.95. NAVELS Pinnacle, OK. Sunkist. Upland 5.20 Three Star, WD, Sunkist, Whittier 4.70 Two Crown, WD, Red Ball, Whittier, 4.10 Carmencita, PO, Sunkist, Fullerton.

4.45 Colombo, PO, Red Ball, Fullerton. 3.60 Bam Dimas Supreme, SD, Sunkist, San Dimas 5.40 Pet. SD, Sunkist, San Dimas 5.00 Red Ridinghood, SD, Sunkist, San Dimas 4.95 Honey, co. Sunkist, Ivanhoe Ivanhoe 5.30 5.15 Ivanhoe, CC. Sunkist, Shamrock, PO, Sunkist, Placentia.

3.70 4.85 Span of Gold, RH, Sunkist, 4.70 Caledonia, PO, Red Ball, Placentia. Royal Knight, RH. Sunkist, 4.75 Belle of Piru, VCE. Sunkist, Piru Piru 4.65 5.55 Mansion of Piru, VCE, Red Ball, Weaver of Piru, VCE, Red Ball, Piru. 4.15 Golden Quality, fancy, Bryn 4.70 LEMONS Prosressive, Q.

Sunkist, Corona 7.95 Corona Beauty, Q. Red Ball, Corona. 7.05 Maduro. orchard run, Corona 7.10 Lemonade, CC, Red Ball. Ivanhoe 6.60 Excel.

OK, Red Ball. Upland 7.05 Progressive, Q. Sunkist, Corona 8.00 Maduro, Q. orchard run, Corona 7.40 Progressive, Q. Sunkist, Corona 8.00 Corona Beauty, Q.

Red Ball. Corona. 7.30 Maduro, orchard run, Corona 7.40 Corona Beauty, Q. Red Ball, Corona. 7.10 Progressive, Sunkist, Corona 7.85 8 Maduro, Q.

orchard run, Corona 6.90 Canyon, DM. Red Ball, Lamanda Park 7.05 Sierra Madre, DM, Sunkist, Lamanda Park 7.90 Happy, ST, Sunkist, Carpinteria 7.25 Smile, ST, Red Ball, Carpinteria 6.50 A-1, AFG, orchard run, Orosi 6.80 BOSTON--Navels and lemons higher, Sales: Four cars oranges, one car lemons, NAVELS Shamrock, PO, Sunkist. Placentia. 5.20 La Verne Beauties, LAV, Sunkist, La Verne 5.70 Paul Neyron, LAV. Sunkist, La Verne 5.50 Tesoro, PO, Sunkist, Placentia Placentia 4.65 5.35 Tesoro Red.

PO, orchard run, Bobby, fancy, Highland 5.05 LEMONS Vesper, TC, Sunkist, Porterville 8.15 Household. TC, Red Ball, Porterville. 7.65 LOUIS -Navels higher 2208 and smaller, unchanged balance, Sales: One ST. car oranges. Florida sales: January 25.

One car oranges. 3.40. NAVELS Prince O' Orange, LM, Sunkist, Lindsay 4.90 BALTIMORE Navels steady: lemons higher. Sales: One car oranges. Florida sales: January 25-Five and one-half cars oranges, 2.65; one and one-half cars grapefruit, 1.80.

NAVELS Airship, VCE, Sunkist, Fillmore 4.80 Glider, VCE, Red Ball, Fillmore 4.35 DETROIT-Navels closed steady; lemons doing better. Sales: Two cars oranges, one car lemons. Florida sales: January 25- Two cars oranges, 3.10; two cars grapefruit, 1.70. NAVELS Colonial Mother, CO. Sunkist, Anaheim 5.70 Carnival.

CO, Red Ball. Anaheim 5.15 Ultra, TO, Sunkist, Ultra 5.80 LEMONS Victor. OK. Sunkist, Etiwanda 7.85 Florida sales: January 25-Cleveland. 4 cars oranges, 3.30; 2 cars grapefruit.

1.75. Pittsburgh, 9 cars oranges, 3.00; 8 cars grapefruit. 1.65. CHICAGO-Navels lower; lemons steady. Bales: Ten cars oranges, three cars lemons.

Florida sales: January 25-Six cars oranges, three cars lemons. Florida sales: January 26- -Six cars oranges, 3 3.95; one car grapefruit, 1.95. NAVELS La Verne Beauties, LAV, Sunkist, La Verne 5.45 Paul Neyron, LAV. Sunkist, La Verne 4.95 Shamrock, PO, Sunkist, Placentia 4.75 Caledonia, PO, Red Ball, Placentia 3.45 Stela, WD, Sunkist. Rivera 4.90 Wonderland, SDF, Sunkist, Escondido 4.15 America, SDF, orchard run, Escondido 4.20 Queen Esther, CO, Sunkist, Anaheim.

4.95 Rebecca, CO, choice, Anaheim 4.25 Colonial Mother, CO, choice, Anaheim 4.20 Tesoro, PO, Sunkist, Placentia 4.95 Tesoro Red, PO, orchard run. Placentia 3.80 Sunflower. MOD, Pure Gold, Claremont 5.20 Pride of La Verne, MOD, Pure Gold, Claremont 5.20 Golden Quality, fancy, California 4.60 Buddy, fancy, Pico 4.55 LEMONS Baticoy, VCE. Sunkist. Kimball 8.05 Anacapa, VCE.

Ball, Kimball. 7.20 Montalvo, VCE. Sunkist, 8.05 Tepic. VCE, choice, Kimball 7.15 Queen Bee, Q. Sunkist, Corona 8.15 Royal.

Q. Red Ball. Corona 7.50 OIC, standard, Corona 6.65 Corona Belle, Q. Sunkist, Corona. 8.15 Sunset.

Q. Red Ball, Corona 7.70 OK. Sunkist, Upland 7.85 LIVESTOCK LOS ANGELES MARKET By (P)-U. S. Department of Agriculture CATTLE- -Receipts, 1000; holdovers, 698; generally steady; small lot good 930-pound California fed steers, 8.85; good Idaho fed steers, 8.60; medium California and Arizona steers.

7.40@8.25: three loads 802- pound Mexican steers, 7.00; common down to 6.00; few good 679-pound heifers, 7.70; few medium lots, 7.25 common down to 5.00; bulk good cows, 5.50 6.25; few to 6.40; common to medium Texas cows, 4.65 5.15; some down to 4.25; cutter grades down to 3.25: bulls to 6.50. CALVES Receipts, 200; holdovers. 408; steady; bulk good to choice vealers. 9.00 10.50; few to 11.00; medium. 7.75 8.75; bulk good calves.

7.00 common to medium. 5.00 6.75; two loads stock calves. 6.50 6.75. HOGS -Receipts, 100; butchers 25c lower, quality considered; part load good to choice 186-pound Colorados topped at 10.50; local grain-feds, 10.15 few light lights. 9.00@9.50; few heavies, 9.75 10.00: packing sows steady, 8.50 8.75.

SHEEP--Receipts, 300; steady; load good 91-pound fed wooled Nevada lambs. 10.00 straight; good to choice wooled ewes quotable 4.75 5.50. OUTSIDE MARKETS CHICAGO, Jan. 26. (P)-(U.

S. Department of Agriculture.) Hogs, 28,000: generally lower than Monday's average; pigs and underweights off more in instances: top, 10.30; bulk good and choice 180-300 pounds, 10.15 few good 80Ws, 9.35 9.65. Cattle, calves. 2000; fed steers and yearlings weak to 25 lower than early Monday; Inrgely steer run; killing quality medium to strictly good with moderate supply choice and prime kinds; too much beef here considering shipper and local demand: few early sales. 9.50 with good and choice offerings 12.00 13.65; load or so held around 14.50, but all buyins interests bearing down; stockers and feeders scarce but weak; beef cows weak: cutter grades and bulls steady: weighty shipper vealers steady at 11.50 12.00; 115- 140 pound vealers dull at 11.00 down to 9.50.

Sheep, 13,000: fat lambs opening slow. undertone weak to lower; few initial bids downward from 10.60 on handyweight lambs now held 10.75 and above: clipped lambs and yearlings scarce; sheep about steady; scattered native ewes. 5.00 6.00; westerns as yet unsold. KANSAS CITY, Jan. -Hogs, 2000: uneven, steady to 10 lower than Monday's average; choice 200 pounds up off most; closing fairly active: top.

10.10; good to choice 190 pounds up 9.90 10.10; 140-180 pounds, 9.00 9.90: 90W5, 9.35 9.50; few, 9.60: stock pigs scarce. Great Northern Gains NEW YORK, Jan. 26. (P) -W. P.

Kenney, president of Great Northern Railroad, said net income of the road after fixed charges in 1930 would total nearly $10,000,000, compared with a little over $7,000,000 in 1935. INTENTION TO MARRY The following notices of intention to marry were issued yesterday. Name, age and address given. DENISTON-WILKINS. Columbus 45.

11171 Fairview Boulevard. Inglewood; Elsie 34, 1868 West Thirty -eighth street. ETO- -MURAKAMI. Atsumi. 28, 1749 FIT teenth street.

Santa Menica: Yemi, 22, Box 17, Florian. FERGUSON-ATKINS. Walter 52. Climax, Edna 47, 1145 South Grevillen. Inglewood.

FLEET LYNCH. Howard 29, in care U. 8. Gypsum Company, Midland; Constance 28, 6141 Afton Place. FORBES -PALMER.

James 22, 658 South Woods avenue: Kathleen 18, 1713 Almansor avenue, FOYT-MARTIN. Clarke 26. 232 Union Place: Kathryn, 27, Mandan, North Dakota. GALEOTTI-GILES. Harry 21, 194 West Forty-first Place: Genevieve V.

21. 323 West Forty-fifth street. GALLIO- -REGALIA. Giacomo, 66. Imlay, Kathirene, 55, 533 West Sixth street.

Burbank. GANTT- BANE. Hiram 45, 3317 South San Pedro street; Renee 22, Hotel Broadway. GARLAND Stephen 29. Idaho; Ellen 49, 427 Cowell, Long Beach.

GLORE WILSON. Gordon 36, 1134 Stanley, Long Beach; Lida 30, 1134 Stanley, Long Beach. GRAY- CARLISLE. Gene 26, Vinton avenue, Palms; Leona 31, 345 Clay street. GUDMUNDSON- JENE.

Paul 30, 712 South Myrtle, Inglewood; Patricia Les 21, 1776 West One Hundred Sixtyninth street. HABEGER-CUNNINGHAM, Bernard P. 22, U.8.S. Medusa; Coletta 19, 503 North Bandini. San Pedro.

HART- WARD. Charles 28. 325 Coronado avenue. Long Beach: Barbara 22, 10496 Wellworth avenue, West Los Angeles. HAR win avenue; WARILA.

Sidney Otto 24. 22, 2603 906 West DarEighty-first street. HENSON-HOKE. Philip 23, West Seventy-fourth street: Kathryn 27, 7022 South Hoover street. HICKS- HECHTMAN.

Robert 25. 10766 Wellworth street. West Los Angeles: Judith 23, 124 East Myrrh street, Compton. I JARMAN-ROBSON, Albert 23, street, Vidal; Audrey 18, 10856 Otsego North Hollywood. KEITH- SNIDER.

Jethro 22, 26219 Belleport. Harbor City; Wanda 19, 1162 Neptune avenue, Wilmington, KELLEHER-BUCKHOUT. Thomas 24, South Hope street; Helen 18, 3618 South Hope street. KNUTSON-RINKEL. Bennie, 29, 2820 West Pico street: Gretchen 27, Irolo street.

KROUSE-SCOTT. Arleigh 24, 338 Griffith Park Drive, Burbank; Marion 18, 29 Tujunga avenue. Burbank. LARRAWAY-BOISEN. David 28, 328 Elm avenue, Long Beach: Alice 26, 226 Olive street, Long Beach.

LEDESMA -DIAZ. Frank. 28. Lawrence street; Edith, 25, 204 East Pearl street. LESTER-BARNETT.

James 31, 10231 North Rampart; Helen 28, Lucille avenue. LEOPOLD Kenneth 21, South Harvard Boulevard; Ida 18, 114 North Sweetzer avenue. LEWINSON PASTORET. William, 31, 1916 Judson street; Patricia 20, 1638 South Van Ness. Carl 26, 121 Mar Vista, Pasadena: Elizabeth, 22.

730 Locust street, Pasadena. MADRID- -MACIAS. Edward 19, 707 South Soto street: Beatrice 19, 1145 South Evergreen street. MAYFIELD BYRD. James 22.

1327 Idaho street, Santa Monica; Betty 16. 1721 Washington Boulevard, Venice. MEDINA-OLIVARES. Andres. 33, 129 Sunol Drive; Elvira, 29, 4139 Floral Drive.

MOLINE- KNOX. Rudolph 18, 4448 Van Horne avenue; Claire 19, South Raymond Alhambra, McCLEARY-HUCKABY. Robert 22. 1155 East Fifteenth street. Long Beach: Mary 17.

1155 East Fitteenth street. Long Beach. McDERMOTT-MASTERS. Marvin 28, West Forty-second Place: Elisabeth 22. 5739 Eighth avenue, NAUGHTON- James 27, 2445 East Fourth street, Long Beach; Helen.

26, 2222 East Second street, Long Beach. OBERG-NIBLO. Elmer 23, 2230 Stevens avenue, Wilmar; Frances 23. 441 Lemon avenue. Arcadia.

O'BRIEN- CANTWELL. Patrick 32, Bristol Hotel: Ann 26. BeverlyWilshire Hotel, Beverly Hills. PARKER- -COREY. Fred Jr.

22, 1019 South Hicks: Ruth, 19, North Ridgewood. PITTSEY- Salvatore 21, 1500 West Twentieth street; Donna K. 25. 1701 South Flower. REYNOLDS- HANSON.

Raymond 21, 3226 Hutchison street: Dorothy 18, 3850 Second avenue. RIDGE KIPPLE. Dea 42, 4315 Guardia avenue; Helen, 38, 512 West First street. ROBERTS -MYERS. John 23, 301 Argonne avenue, Long Beach: Dorothy 20.

2747 Northeast Thirteenth street, Portland. ROBINSON-WALLACE. Robert 24, 2007 South Grand avenue: Wanda 23, 733 Hillerest avenue, El Segundo. ROGERS Elberne 31, 6030 Burwood avenue: Gladys 21, 110 North Flower street. ROSE- -ALEXANDER, Clinton 29, Kellam avenue; Thelma 28, 1600 West Vernon avenue.

ROSS-WILLIAMS. James 23, 827 Mountain View Road. Altadena: Ara 18, 827 Mountain View Road, Altadena. SAMPEI-SADO. Katsuji, 46.

319 North Seaside avenue, Terminal Island; Full. 43, 319 North Seaside avenue, Terminal Island. SMITH-RAINES. Albert 21, 1830 East Fifty-fourth street; Gladys 17, 1532 Nineteenth Santa Monica. SPEARS- JONKHEER.

E. Stanley, 24, 1427 South Catalina street: Iris 22, West Fifteenth street. TAFOYA-ESPARZA. Arthur, 21, 4257 Blanchard street; Angelina, 19, 932 North Gifford. TORRES- HERNANDEZ.

Ted, 25, 1744 East Thirty-seventh street: Margaret 19. East Vernon avenue. WHITEAKER- James 23. 1003 Central avenue, Glendale; Alice 18, 1306 North Kenmore. -MARRIOTT.

Lacy 25, 11178 Santa Monica Boulevard, Sawtelle; Rose 19, 385 Norwich Drive, West Hollywood. YOUNG- VENTICINQUE. Charles 8., 24, West Third street; Rosina 18, Newell street. BIRTHS Names, sex, place and date of birth ALEXANDER. Mr.

and Mrs. Maurice A. Daughter, Grimth Park Maternity Hospital. January 13. BAKER.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Daughter. Southwest General Hospital.

January 2. BEARDSLEY. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F.

Son. French Hospital. January 21. BISHOP. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles H. Son. Griffith Park Maternity Hospital. January 19.

CALHOUN. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Daughter.

Griffith Park Maternity Hospital. January 20. CLEARWATER. Mr. and Mrs.

Faye. Daughter. Methodist Hospital. January COZAD. Mr.

and Mrs. Ray I. Daughter. Methodist Hospital. January 23.

GILLIN. Mr. and Mrs. Ward. Son.

Wilshire Hospital. January 20. HARTFORD. Mr. and Mrs.

Chris L. Son. Terry Sanitarium and Hospital. January 19, HOLZGANG. Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph G. Son. Methodist Hospital. January 15.

JOSEPHSON. Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Daughter, Methodist Hospital.

January 20. JUSTICE. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll L.

Son. Griffith Park Maternity Hospital, January 19. KILGORE. Mr. and Mrs.

Wentworth L. Son. Methodist Hospital. January 18. PERLIN.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Daughter. Methodist Hospital.

January 20. SHADLE. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.

Daughter, Griffith Park Maternity Hospital, January 15. SMITH. Mr. and Mrs. George W.

II. Son. Wilshire Hospital. January 21. WILLIAMS.

Mr. and Mrs. Debert D. Daughter. Methodist Hospital.

January 17. DIVORCE SUITS FILED ARUTUNIAN. Victoria against Shavarsh, BASS, Anna against William. BLUE. Edna against William L.

CONLON. Marguerite against Paul, COWAN. Ada against John W. DRESSER. Willeta H.

against Weyburn H. FARRINGTON, John S. against Madeline L. FRILOT. Beatrice against Alton J.

GALLEGOS. Amelia against Julian. GALLEGOS. Mary against Frank C. GOSS.

Charlotte against John. HALL. Dave against Lula. HAMES. Margaret M.

against Burton T. HARDY. Madelyn E. against Oliver C. HARRIS.

Jessie B. against Ernest. KORPI. Frank against Lempi, LAMB. Mary L.

against James P. MARRONE, Mitzie against Victor. MARTINEZ. Juan S. against Paula C.

McCLURE. Helen G. against Poster M. McLAMARRAH. Josephine against Logan, MILLER.

Helen F. against Robert W. NAYFACK. Ida against Max. OWENS.

Howard against Edra A. PEREZ. Alfonso against Mary. PETRICKO. Michael against Helen B.

REEMIS. Lou against Edna. ROCHA. Pablo against Carmen. ROSENBLOOM.

Benjamin against Mary. ROSENFIELD. Evelyn A. against John M. SANDERS.

Charles E. against Clara M. SIMMONS. Lou J. against Veronica K.

SKELLEY. Alice B. against Fred P. STAPLEY. Effe against James P.

STEVENS. Molly H. against Charles R. STEVERNS. R.

against Dorothy M. SULLIVAN. Ellen L. against Martin 3. DIVORCE SUITS FILED VAN DER MEULEN, Marie J.

against Ted. WHITING. Inez against Charles S. WHITNEY. Ferdon E.

against Dorothy F. WISEMAN. Mary M. against Sam, DIVORCES GRANTED DIVORCES GRANTED BAIN. Laura from Andy, BALLEJO, Amelie from Gregory, BARLOW.

Paul from Mary F. BECKLER. Robert F. from Elsie. Anna from Stanley A.

CALLAHAN. Edna M. from Ralph. CAMPBELL. Carolyn from Clarence J.

CLANTON. Gladys from Cassius. COSBY. Valeria from Henry. COULTER.

Maggie from Ormic. DE WEESE. O. Ellsworth from Beulah H. DIAZ.

Juan from Selza J. DODDS. Georgia L. from William R. FAIRBROTHER.

William H. from Evelyn FRAZEE. Harriet from Raymond. GLASSER. Dora from Max.

KELLER. Mabel L. from Rex E. KLEIN. Betty from Ben.

KNOWLES. Ada N. from Stanley. KRAUSE. Emil A.

from Grace M. McKAY. Lucille V. from Lemuel L. MEISTERMAN.

Charlotte from Herman J. MILLER. Nell from William L. MORENO. Maria V.

from Fernando. PIERCE. "Council B. from Ida M. RAMIREZ.

Placida from Porfirio. ROBY. Ross T. from Winifred A. SHORR.

Goldie from Harry, SMITH. Margaret McL. from Ray C. SWINEHART. Evangeline from Charles TATE.

Curlie from Willard. TORRES. Jeanne from Frank. WHITELAW. Gail G.

from James E. WILBURN, Roy H. from Ruth E. WOWEREIT. Charles, from Katherine, OFFICIAL DEATH LIST (Los Angeles) NameAge Date CARR.

Jessie 71 Jan. CHAPIN. Maria 94 Jan. CORNWELL, Joe 82 Jan. ESTRADA, Gil 60 Jan.

FADDEN, Ralph 46 Jan. FERNHOLTZ. Emma 73 Jan. FITZGERALD, John F. 46 Jan.

FLYNN. Anna Jan. FUERSTNOW, Anna 82 GRAFF, Byron 47 Jan. KNOX, James 48 Jan. LORD.

William Jan, LUCAS. Richard Jan, I McDONALD, Lillie 62 Jan. MILLS, Laura 77 Jan. PARROTT, Edward 78 Jan. REEVE, Arthur Jan.

SHAW. Margaret 76 Jan. SHUBIN, Alex 20 WRIGHT, WESTLAKE, George Elva 48 76 Jan. ZIMMERMAN, Albert 65 Jan. DEATHS With Funeral Announcements Lay hold on eternal life.

-I Tim. vi, 12. ACOSTA. Mrs. Ysidra: D.

Acosta, beloved wife of Peter Acosta; sister of Mrs. Natalla Moncayo, Mrs. Dolores Gutierez, Mrs. Lupe Rosado, Mrs. Carolina Favela, Antonio, Piedad and Artemia Acosta.

Rosary will be recited this evening. 8 o'clock, at Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary. Funeral from Edwards Brothers Thursday, 9:30 a.m. Mass 10 a.m., St. Vincent's Church.

AGREST. Services for Abraham Agrest today, 10 a.m., at Glasband Co. ALEXANDER. Charles A. Alexander, loving brother of Mrs.

Anna Goodwin; uncle of Mrs. Joseph Brown, Mrs. E. T. Hill and John Goodwin.

Services 11:30 a.m, today at Pierce Brothers (instead of as previously announced.) ANDERSON. Services for Minerva Anderson Cresse's, Highland Park, Thursday at 1 p.m. BANNISTER. At 184 South Beechwood Drive, John C. Bannister, beloved husband of Mrs.

Magdelena H. S. Bannister: stepfather of Huber S. Spahr, and grandfather of Huber Spahr, Jr. Funeral services Friday at 2:30 p.m.

from the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn Cemetery. W. A. Brown, funeral director. BARNARD.

January 26, Francis Everett Barnard, father of Mrs. Douglas B. Mueller and Mrs. George D. Gibson.

Funeral services at Bresee Brothers' chapel Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Free inside parking. BANBURY Leigh Banbury. Pierce Brothers, directors. BEHRENS.

Evelyn Behrens. Services 3:30 p.m, Thursday at Pierce Brothers. BENNETT. William W. Bennett.

Remains at the chapel of W. Brown, 1815 South Flower street, BERNSTEIN. Samuel Bernstein. Remains at Glasband Co. BETTINGER.

Alice L. Bettinger. Services Thursday at 10 a.m. in the Church of the Flowers. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge, BITNER.

The funeral services of William E. Bitner will be held today at 2:30 p.m. from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street.

BLANO. Services for Harry H. Blanc today, 2 p.m., at Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary. BOYLE. Harold C.

Boyle. Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. BOYNTON.

Billee Boynton. Pierce Brothers, directors. BREMERTHON, The funeral services of Andrew E. Bremerthon will be held today at 2 p.m. from the chapel of W.

A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. BRICKER. The funeral services of Alonzo Bricker will be held today at 11 a.m. from the chapel of W.

A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. BROWN. Services for Deputy Sheriff Ralph D. Brown, Thursday at 1 p.m., at the Delmer A.

Smith Mortuary, under the auspices of Star Post, No. 309, American Legion. BROWN. Robert A. Brown.

Masonic services Thursday, 3 p.m.. from Grace Chapel, Inglewood Cemetery. Snyder's Southwest Funeral Home in charge. BURKHART. January 25, Addison Burkhart of 1728 North Wilcox avenue.

Friends may view remains after 10 o'clock Thursday morning. Interment, Chicago, Ill. W. M. Strother.

directors, 6240 Hollywood Boulevard. BURNS. January 26, William Elmer Burns, husband of Lucy Jane Burns. Funeral services at Bresee Brothers' chapel Friday at 1:30 p.m. Free inside parking.

BUSSMAN. Frank E. Bussman, Services Friday at 3 p.m. in the Little Church of the Flowers. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge.

CARLSON. John F. Carlson. Services Thursday at 11:30 a.m. in the Wee Kirk o' the Heather.

Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. CATTERLIN. The funeral services of Mrs. Elizabeth M. 'Catterlin will be held Thursday at 10 a.m.

from Grace Chapel, Inglewood Park Cemetery. W. A. Brown, funeral director. CLARK.

January 26, Virginia Clark. Cunningham O'Connor, directors. CONDON. Thomas J. Condon.

Recitation of the Rosary 8 o'clock tonight at Pierce Brothers, 9 Requiem mass a.m. Thursday at St. Basil's Church, corner of Wilshire and Harvard. CONROY. January 25, Lora J.

Conroy, beloved mother of Mrs. Henry Winn T. and Mrs. William W. Vaughn; loving sister of Mrs.

Fred J. Ossenberg and Mrs. August K. Keller; grandmother of Billy and Dennis Vaughn. Services 11 a.m.

Thursday at the Littie Church of the Flowers. Pierce Brothers. directors. CROCKETT. At 1223 West Manchester avenue, mother Mrs.

Isabella Crockett, beloved of George Crockett of this city and Mrs. Harriet Maphafly of San Diego; sister of Mrs. Jennie Faulkner of Los Angeles and Mrs. Mamie Grijalva of Oakland, Cal. Funeral services today at 1 p.m.

from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. (San Diego papers please copy.) CURTIS, Frank Curtis of Maxon Road, El Monte, beloved husband of Rose Curtis, Funeral Funeral Friday, 2 p.m., at Addleman Home, El Monte. DEMPLE.

C. E. Demple, beloved husband of Mrs. Kitty L. Demple of 5320 Olympic Boulevard, and father of Mrs.

Dorotha Johnson of this city and Mrs. Gladys Harvey of Des Moines, Iowa. Funeral services Friday at 10 a.m. from the chapel of W. A.

Brown, 1815 South Flower street. DE PONS. William De Pons, brother of Frances Martin. Masonic services Thursday, 1:30 p.m., under the auspices of Sunnyside Lodge, F. Home, A.

M. Snyder's Southwest Puneral directors. DEWEY. Alice V. Dewey, beloved mother of Alexander Dewey.

Services Thursday at 2 p.m, in the Little Church of the Flowers. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge, DILLON. Services for Harriett J. Dillon 2 p.m. Thursday at Pierce Brothers.

DOBRIN. Jacob C. Dobrin. EASTERLING. Edwards Brothers' Easterling Colonial Mortuary.

Sam L. of Huntinston Park. Remains at Alvarez Moore. EATON. January 26, Gertrude W.

Eaton. Reed Brothers directors. EICHBERG. Edith W. Eichberg, wife of James G.

Eichberg; sister of Mrs. Betnard Wyle. Services Friday at 11 a.m, in the Little Church of the Flowers. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. DEATHS With Funeral Announcements ERICKSON.

Peter John Erickson, father of Mrs. George F. Helliwell, Mrs. Harold B. Jensen and Ruth Erickson, all of Los Angeles.

Services 1 p.m. Thursday at Pierce Brothers. EVERETT. The remains of Helen E. Everett were forwarded by Reed Brothers Co.

to Fairbank, Iowa, for interment. FIERO. William Wright Fiero, Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary. GARLINGHOUSE. Isabelle A.

Garlinghouse. Reed Brothers directors. GILMORE. Samuel A. Gilmore.

Services and interment, Broad Street Cemetery, Bridgeton. N. J. Cresse's, Highland Park, directors. GLASS.

January 25, at his home, 320 South New Hampshire, Sidney Glass, aged 56 years, beloved husband of Lelia Glass; father of Howard S. Glass and Mrs. Roy Garner; brother of Mrs. Charles Meyers and Miss Stella Glass, Services will be held Thursday mornins. 10:30 o'clock, at Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn.

Garrett Brothers, directors. GRAY. Services for Laura M. Gray 11 a.m. Thursday at Pierce Brothers.

GUSTAFASON, Anna Marie Gustafason. Services 2 p.m. today at the Messiah Lutheran Church, Pasadena. Du Bois Funeral Home, San Gabriel, in charge. HANco*ck, Anna M.

Hanco*ck, beloved mother of Margaret Corn. Services Thursday at 12:30 p.m. in the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Mortuary. Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. HEALY.

Dr. J. Harold Healy. Requiem mass today at 10 a.m. at St.

Paul's Church. Cunningham O'Connor, directors, HENRY, Fred R. Henry. Services 1:30 p.m. today at Pierce Brothers HOCKENBERRY.

Peter T. Hockenberry of South Pasadena, Services Thursday at 12 noon in the Little Church of the Flowers. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. HOFFMAN. Sister M.

Pauline Hoffman, O.F,S. Solemn requiem mass today at 9 a.m. at the Queen of Angels Hospital Chapel. Cunningham O'Connor, directors. HOPKINS.

The funeral services of B. Marcellus Hopkins will be held today at 10 a.m, from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. HOTCHKISS.

January 26, Mrs. Mary M. Hotchkiss of 6817 De Longpre avenue. Funeral services Thursday at 11 a.m. from the parlors of W.

M. Strother, 6240. Hollywood Boulevard. Parking provided. JACKSON, January 25.

Mary K. Jackson, beloved mother of Mrs. Alice Brown of San Juan, Porto Rico, Helen A. Jackson of New York and Mrs. Elinor J.

Granlees of Los Angeles. Funeral services at the Armatrong Funeral Home Wednesday at 2 p.m. JOHNS. Mrs. Anna May Johns.

Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. JORDAN. Services for James E.

Jordan at Soldiers' Home chapel, Sawtelle, Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. Bresee Brothers, directors. KASTING. January 25, Edwin H. Kasting.

Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from his late residence, 7277 Hillside avenue. W. M. Strother, directors.

KELLY. The funeral services of John Kelly will be held Thursday at 3 p.m. from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street.

KEMBLE. William H. Kemble of Glendale. Masonic services Friday at 2 p.m. in the Little Church of the Flowers.

Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. KIMBALL. Services for Jane H. Kimball 12 noon Thursday at Pierce Brothers. KING.

Services for Charles H. King 10 a.m. Thursday at Pierce Brothers. KING. Samuel King.

Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. LA MOTTE. Margaret La Motte.

Services today at 12:30 p.m. in the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. LEAVER. January 25, Bea Leaver, beloved wife of Peter J.

Leaver: loving mother of Raymond Leon Clarence F. and Marie Gladys Leaver. Rosary this evening at 8 o'clock at the chapel of Cunningham O'Connor, 1031 South Grand avenue. Funeral Thursday at 8:15 a.m. from the chapel of Cunningham O'Connor.

Requiem mass at St. Paul's Church. Washington and Tenth avenue, at 9 a.m. Interment. Calvary.

LEONARD. William R. Leonard of 2911 Budlong avenue, loving brother of Mrs. Frances Davis of St. Helens, Mrs.

Ella M. Johnson of Los Angeles. Mrs. Allie Littlefield of Fort Collins, A. C.

Leonard of Long Beach and Robert J. Leonard of Longmont, Colo. Services Thursday, 2 p.m., at Grace Chapel, Inglewood Cemetery, under the auspices of 1.0.0.F. Noice, Smith Salsbury, morticians, Culver City. LESLIE.

Charles C. L. Leslie, beloved husband of Catherine Leishman Leslie; brother of Mrs. Agnes Alton. Services Friday at 1:30 p.m.

in the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge, LITTLE. Services for Mrs. Ida M. Little Thursday, 2:30 p.m..

at Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary, LOREDO. Leopoldo Peres Loredo (also known as Paul Perez Loredo.) Services 1 p.m. today at Pierce Brothers. LYNCH. James E.

Lynch, with City Controller's office in Los Angeles thirteen years, beloved husband of Lenora L. Lynch: father of Bassett H. Lynch and James E. Lynch, Jr. Services Thursday at 2:30 p.m.

in the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. MacARTHUR. Martha Jane MacArthur. Private services today at 3 p.m.

in the Little Church of the Flowers. Mortuary. Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association. in charge. MAcGREGOR.

Charles M. MacGregor, husband of Frances E. MacGregor: father of D. G. and K.

E. MacGregor and Lucile MacGregor Clark. Private services 9:30 a.m. Friday at Pierce Brothers. MAGEE.

John Magee. Services today, 1:30 p.m., from the chapel of Godeau Martinoni, 828 Washington, MARMION. January 26. Roger Cannon Marmion of Temple City, beloved son of William H. Marmion; brother of Frank and Arvilla Marmion.

Private funeral services 9 a.m. Thursday. Lee R. Hill Mortuary, Temple City, directors. MASSELINK.

January 26, Mary Masselink, loving mother of Mrs. M. C. Moore, Mrs. O.

Lubbehusen. Mrs. N. A. Rinehart and Miss Mary Masselink of Fontana.

Rosary this evening at 8 o'clock at the residence, 960 South Kenmore avenue. Requiem mass Thursday at 9 a.m. at St. Thomas Church. Interment.

Calvary. Cunningham O'Connor, directors. MATTOON. January 24, Mrs. Nellie Frances Mattoon of 313 North Mansfield avenue.

Funeral services Wednesday at 3 p.m. from the parlors of W. M. Strother, 6240 Hollywood Boulevard. Parking provided.

McBRIDE. Services for Alexander N. McBride 3 p.m. today at Pierce Brothers. McPEAK.

January 25. Mary Ana McPeak, loving mother of Frank V. McPeak. Funeral services today at 1 p.m. at Inglewood Park Cemetery Mausoleum.

Cunningham O'Connor, directors. MEISEL. January 26. Kate E. Meisel, beloved Leota mother Kelley, of Mrs.

Edith Katie Gates, Mrs. Miss Meisel, Hazel F. Ryon and Harry A. Meisel: grandmother of Lucille Ryon, Wallace Gates. Lewis W.

and Paul L. Kelley, Edith Brunken and Maxine Murray; great-grandmother of Rita Ruth Ryon and Robert Kelley. Services 2 p.m. Friday at Pierce Brothers. Entombment.

Hollywood Mausoleum. (Denver, papers please copy.) MELCHER. August Melcher of Glendale. Services Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in the Wee Kirk o' the Heather.

Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. MEYERS. Services for Amalia Meyers 2:15 p.m. today at Pierce Brothers, MILLS. Services for Isaac Mills at Cresse's, Highland Park, Thursday at 3:30 p.m.

MOLOHON. John Ivan Molohon of San Francisco. Services today at 4 p.m. in the Little Church of the Flowers. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge.

MORRISON. Services for Fred W. Morrison will be held Thursday at 9 a.m., under the auspices of Arlington Lodge. No. 414.

F. A. from the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn. Graham Isbell. directors.

MOXLEY. The funeral services of John H. Moxley will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the chapel of W. A.

Brown, 1815 South Flower street. NELLIS. Services for Joseph Nellis today, 1 p.m., at Groman Mortuary. NELSON. Harold Nelson (Harold Nelson Shaw.) Services Friday at 3:30 p.m.

in the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge, DEATHS With Funeral Announcements NOBLE. Alexander John Noble, Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown.

1815 South Flower street, O'BRIEN. January 26, Mildred L. O'Brien, beloved wife of Dr. J. J.

O'Brien. Rosary this evening at 8 o'clock at the chapel of Cunningham O'Connor, 1031 South Grand avenue. Funeral Thursday at 8:15 a.m. from the chapel of Cunningham O'Connor. Solemn requiem mass at St.

Kevin's Church at 9 a.m. Interment, Calvary. OSTRANDER. Annie B. Ostrander.

Pierce Brothers, directors. PAYNE. Millard F. Payne, loving father of Catharine Foxlee. Services tonight at 7 o'clock at Snyder's Southwest Funeral Home.

PERAZA, Mrs. Ruth Peraza, Remains at Alvarez Moore, PERKINS. January 26, Jessie B. Perkins, wife of Alonson D. Perkins.

Funeral services at Bresee Brothers' chapel Saturday at 10:30 a.m. Free inside parking. PETERSON. Andrew J. Peterson, Remains at the chapel of W.

A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. PETTY. The funeral services of Rev. Dr.

A. M. Petty will be held today at 2 p.m. from the First Baptist Church. Glendale, Cal.

W. A. Brown, funeral director. PICKENS. Barbara Elaine Pickens of Beverly Hills, beloved laughter of Leonard and Clarice Pickens.

Services today at 10:30 a.m. in the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. Mortuary, Forest Lawn, Memorial Park Association, charge. PICKERING. Miss Hattie Pickering of Monrovia.

sister of Wesley E. Pickering. Services Thursday at 1:30 p.m. in the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge.

PREVOST. Marie Prevost, beloved sister of Peggy Prevost. Services strictly private, Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. PURVIS. Remains of James Purvis were forwarded last evening by Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary to Las Animas, Colo.

REYNOLDS. John S. Reynolds, loving father of Claire Haskins, John Lynn, Florence and Raymond Reynolds. Services Thursday, 9 a.m., at UtterMcKinley's Ivory Mortuary, RICKETTS. Rose M.

Ricketts, loving sister of Mrs. Isabel Parkhurst and Mrs. Jeannette Weisman. Services 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Pierce Brothers.

RILEY Peter Stephen Riley. Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. RIORDAN.

Rev. Joseph Riordan, 8.J. Remains were forwarded last evening to Santa Clara, by Cunningham O'Connor. RIVERA. Jesus R.

Rivera. Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. ROBERTS.

Evan Roberts, late of Ouray. beloved husband of Veta Roberts; son of Mrs. Jane Felton; brother of Mrs. Laura E. Carter and Owen E.

Roberts of Los Angeles. Services Thursday. 3:30 p.m., at Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary. ROBERTS. Joseph L.

Roberts. Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown. 1815 South Flower street.

ROCCUZZO. Nancy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Roccuzzo. Services 10:30 a.m, Thursday at Pierce Brothers.

ROUSSEAU. Emma L. Rousseau, loving sister of Mrs. Lillian Magan, Mrs. Evalene Blaesser, W.

Richard Aaron and Dr. C. D. Eshleman. Sepvices today at 2 p.m, from Paulsen Hall.

Michigan and State streets. Reed Brothers directors. RYDBERG. Mrs. Anna L.

Rydberg. Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. SALMON.

January 26, Peter M. Salmon. Cunningham O'Connor, directors. SCHAAP. Services for John C.

Schaap 2 p.m. today at Pierce Brothers. SCHMIDT. Fritz E. Schmidt.

Funeral 10 a.m. today from Rosedale Cemetery Chapel. J. H. Riedeman Co, in charge, SCHNEIDER.

Martin N. Schneider, husband of Mary; father of Alfred and Mrs. M. J. Artner.

Recitation of the Rosary 8. p.m. Friday at the residence, 848 South Detroit street. Requiem mass 10 a.m. Saturday at the Cathedral chapel.

Pierce Brothers, directors. SCHUSLER. Anna Schusler, widow of the late Peter John Schusler; sister of Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson. Services 3:30 p.m.

today at Pierce Brothers. SHELLEY. At 3508 Lifur avenue. Mrs. nie Baldwin Shelley, wife of W.

Frank JenShelley and beloved mother of Mrs. Miriam Hansen of this city and Dudley Francis Shelley of Ontario. Cal. Funeral services Friday at 2:30 p.m. from the chapel of W.

A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. SKEELS. Emily Skeels, loving mother of Charles E. Skeels.

Services Thursday, 3 p.m.. at UtterMcKinley's Broadway Mortuary. Interment, Minneapolis. SMITH. Services for Ethel Tyler Smith 4.

p.m. today at Pierce Brothers. SPENCER. Hattie W. Spencer of Pasadena.

Services Thursday at 3:30 in the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. STAIGER. Macie Leigh Staiger. Funeral services today at 2 p.m.

at the chapel of Cunningham O'Connor. STEEL. Sarah Mitchell Steel (Mittie,) beloved daughter of the late Wesley H. and Mary Steel, early California pioneers; survived by three sisters and one brother; resided with her sister, Mrs. Earl G.

Greening. Services at Thomas L. funeral chapel, Downey, Thursday, Miller, p.m, STERBER. Mrs. George Sterber.

Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. STOCKTON. The funeral services of Thomas Lawrence Stockton will be held Thursday at 1:30 p.m.

from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. STOPER. January 25, Stoper.

Services and interment, Pittsburgh, Pa. Bresee Brothers, directors, STOTT. Catherine C. Stott. Services today at 11:30 a.m.

in the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. TALLY. The funeral services of Mrs. Mary 10:30 Talulah Tally from will be held today at a.m.

the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. THOMPSON. Miss Annie F.

Thompson. Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary. TORTE. Marie, beloved mother of Mrs. Hermine Pellant.

Funeral 9 a.m. Thursday from the chapel of J. H. Riedeman 630 Venice Boulevard. TROXLER.

Services for Geraldine, Troxler 2:30 p.m, today at TWITCHELL. Sharon Twitchell. Pierce Brothers, directors. VOIEN. Services for Mrs.

Lena 0. Voien today. 3 p.m., at Edwards Colonial Mortuary. VOSSMEYER. Services for Marie Vossmeyer 3 p.m.

Thursday at Pierce Brothers. WALDRON, The funeral services of Rev. J. F. Waldron will be held Thursday at p.m.

from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. WALKER. Milo D.

Walker. Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. WHEAT.

William A. Wheat, aged 49 years. E. Koop, director, WHITE. The funeral services of Charles O.

White will be held today at 3 p.m. from the chapel of W. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. WILLIAMS. Nellie Ann Williams.

Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge, WOOD. Fred E. Wood, aged 59 years. Interment, Le Morse, Iowa, E. c.

Koop, director. ZINKLER. Funeral services for Joseph F. Zinkler at the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn, Thursday at 3 p.m. Bresee Brothers, directors.

ZULAUF. Mrs. Mary S. Zulauf, beloved wife of Henry Zulauf and mother of Mrs. Katherine Bernays, Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m.

Thursday in our chapel. Interment will be private. The Gillette Mortuary, directors. FUNERAL NOTICE Members of Arlington Lodge. No.

414, F. A. will assemble at the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn, 9 a.m. Thursday, January 28, to conduct the funeral for our late brother, Fred W. Morrison.


Sectetary. FUNERAL NOTICE FUNERAL NOTICE Golden State Lodge, No. 358, F. A. will assemble 3 p.m.

Thursday, January 28, at Grace Chapel, Inglewood. for the purpose of ducting the funeral of our late brother. conRobert Allen Brown. By order of VAL VIALL, W.M. WILLIAM C.


4288. TU. 6161, FUNERAL DIRECTORS WEATHER REPORT Omelal 7,773 290 5,486 349 about steady yesterday at eastern and middle twenty-seven cars of oranges and thirteen ORANGES LEMONS Graded a above Choice choice Choice 3.60 04.65 7.25 8.00 6.50 7.40 5.65 5.50 8.15 7.65 3.45 004.95 7.85 8.15 6.55 7.50 5.15 7.85 size of Sunkist California navel orFruit Growers' Exchange as follows: 5.14; 200s, 5.57: 220s, 5.63; 252s, 5.71; Stocks Decline as Flood Rises Continued from Fourteenth: Page closed higher to lower. Withdrawal of foreign buyers and some continental selling influenced the reaction. Reflecting a belief by traders loan cotton differentials would make this cotton more attractive for consumption in the United States than for export, cotton futures here gained 6 to 8 points.

Scattered buying absorbed hedging against outside growths. BUTTER AND EGGS Furnished by Los Angeles Produce Exchange January 26. 1987 Butter Extra Prime Arste .33 Standards Undergrade .32 Large Eggs 1. Candled clean extras .25 2. Candled light dirty extras.

.24 3. Candled clean standards .24 4. Candled light dirty standards. .23 5. Candled checks .24 Medium Eggs 1.

Candled clean extras .24 2. Candled light dirty extras. 3. Candled clean standards .23 4. Candled light dirty .22 5.

Candled checks .23 Small Eggs 1. Candled clean extras 2. Candled light dirty extras. .23 Case count .24 Western Cheese Triplet daisies, longhorns, loafs. NEW YORK, Jan.

26. (P) -Butter, 14.120, firmer. Creamery, higher than extra, extra (92 score.) firsts (88-91 scores.) seconds (84-87 scores.) centralized (90 score,) Cheese, 328,879, steady to Arm and unchanged. Eggs, 23,657, steady. Mixed colors: Firsts.

refrigerators, seconds, other mixed colors unchanged. Whites, resale of premium marks. Pacific Coast jumbo and premiums, 29 other white, all brown and duck eggs unchanged. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 26.

(P) -(United States. Department of Agriculture)-Butter, score 92, 34: 91, 90. 89, 32, Eggs and cheese unchanged. POULTRY MARKET Furnished by Los Angeles Produce Exchange January 26, 1937 No. 1-Hens, Leghorns.

to lbs. .13 2-Hens, Leghorns. over No. 3-Hens, Leghorns, over 4 .16 and up to 4 Ibs. .14 -Hens, colored.

to 4 .18 No. 5-Hens. colored, over 4 lbs. and up .22 No. 6-Broilers, over 1 and up to lbs, .20 No.

7-Broilers, over and up to lbs. .20 No. 8-Fryers, Leghorns, over .17 No. 9-Fryers. colored.

and up to lbs. .21 No. 10-Fryers, colored. over and up to 4 1bs. .21.

No. 11-Roasters, soft bone. Barred Rocks. over 4 lbs. and up .21 No.

12-Roasters, soft bone. other than Barred Rocks, over lbs. and up .21 No. 13-Stags .12 No. 14-Old roosters and .16 .09 No.

15-Ducklings. under lbs. .12 No. 17-Old 16-Ducklings, ducks .11 18-Geese .16 No. No.

19-Young tom turkeys, 13 Ibs. and up to 18 Ibs. .16 No. 20 Young tom turkeys. over 18 lbs.

.16 No. 22-Old 21-Hen turkeys, turkeys 9 lbs. and up .13 .17 No. tom No. 23-Old hen turkeys .14 No.

25-Squabs, under 11 lbs. per dozen .24 No. 26-Squabs, 11 lbs. per dozen up .26 No. 27-Capons.

under 7 .24 No. 28-Capons, 7 lbs. and up .25 No. 31-Rabbits, No. white, to lbs, each .11 No.

32-Rabbits, No. mixed colors, and lbs. .09 No. 33-Rabbits. No.

1 old .05 PRODUCE MARKET By Associated Press-Federal-State Market News Service CABBAGE -Local Cannonball. best, 1.25 crate: poorer, Cannonball. pointed 1.25: best Santa Maria Cannonball, 1.40 type, 75 Imp. Vly. crate: local red cabbage, 2.50 2.75; Savoy, 60 80 crate.

CAULIFLOWER- -Local pearl type, 1.00@ 1.25 crate: best, 1,40 1.50; small Snowball, 1.00 Santa Maria pearl type, 1.50 crate. CELERY Chula Vista Golden selfblanching in 24-inch crates at 1.25 holdovers, 1.00; hearts, 90 local, Long Beach and Seal Beach. 24-inch crates. 90 hearts in small crates. Oceanside 24-inch crates.

1.40; East Whittier 24-Inch crates, 1.25 Huntington Beach short celery in 24-inch crates, 90; Vista Utah type in crates, 1.50; Chula Vista Utah type in 24-inch crates. 1.50 hearts in small crates, 90 1.00; Oxnard Utah type in 24-inch crates, 1.50 local Utah type in 22-inch crates at 1.00 .00 hearts in small crates, 75 fine Sacramento dirt-blanched Utah type in 18 to 20-inch crates, 2.75. LETTUCE -Imp. Vly. dry pack 48 at 2.75 crate, 5 dozen, 4 dozen, 90 1.00 crate.

PEAS Good Santa Barbara, pound: ordinary frosted, poorer, 6 good Oceanside peas. 17 pound; Mexican, 5.50 bushel hamper. TOMATOES -Niland 4-basket crates, 9 tops, 1.75 12 tops, 1.75 16 tops, 1.25 20 tops, 1.15@1.25 crate: loose culls, lug; flat, 5x6s, 1.65 1.75; 6x7s, 1.50 7x85, 1.25 flat; Mexican original, 6x6s, at 2.75 lug: 6x7s. 2.50 stripped firsts. Circles, 8 pound.

AVOCADOS Loose local Fuertes. pound, with San Diego Co. Inland Fuertes and Coast Fuertes 7071: few, 13- lb. flats (16s to 35s) at 1.35 LEMONS- Prices per box: Local fancy 300s and 360s at 7.50 with choice 6.75; loose, best, 3.75 fair quality, 3.25 3.50; small, 2.75 3.00. ORANGES--Prices per box: Local navels.

fancy 1265, 4.50 4.75; 150s to 2165, 4.75; choice, unwrapped, 150s to 1765, 3.25 3.50; 200s to 2165, 3.25 3.75; 2525 to 2885, 3.50 4.00; loose standards, small medium, 2.75 3.00; large, 2.50 2.75; very small, 1.75 2.00; some 1.50 a box. Provident Mutual Life Assets Gain Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia during 1936 increased its assets $17,027,000 to $315,544,000, the largest annual increase in the company's history, according to M. A. Linton, president, in his report to policyholders. Insurance in force increased from $934,937,000 to $942,946,000, a gain of $8,009,000 during 1936 as compared with $170,000 in 1935.

LOCAL OFFICE, U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, Los Angeles? Jan. by L. H.

Daingerfield, Meteorologist.1 At 5 o'clock a.m. the barometer registered 30.18: at 5 p.m.. 30.07. Thermometer for the corresponding hours showed deg. 46 and 54 des.

Relative humidity, 5 a.m.. per cent: 5 p.m., 62 per cent. Wind, 5 a.m., northeast, velocity 7 miles; 5 p.m., southwest, velocity 8 miles. Temperatures. highest, 59 lowest, 41 deg.

Rainfall for season. 9.07 inches: normal to date, 7.04 inches; last season to date, 1.89 inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. -High pressure now extends from Manitoba and the lakes to Texas, thence to plateau districts (Chicago, 30.50; Grand Junction, 30.48,) preceded and followed by low pressure off the South Atlantic-Florida coast (Charleston. 30.02.) and over and off the North Pacific Coast (Tatoosh Island, 29.72.) and inland to the Northern Rockies.

Results and attending phenomena: Moisture from the lower Alaskan coast to extreme Northern California; also over Western Montana, over the Gulf coast and from the lower lakes to the Atlantic Coast and Florida: heavy, Charleston, 1.01; Jacksonville, 1.08. Moderate to marked falls in temperature from the Mississippi eastward; warmer over the plains, Rockies and Great Basin; ranged from 82 deg. yesterday at Tampa to 36 deg. below zero last night at Winnipeg. Clear and continued cold weather over Southern Callfornia, with frequent freezing night temperatures.

LOCAL and maximum temperatures from Southern California points, reported yesterday to the office of the U. S. Weather Los Bureau, Angeles, as follows: Stations- Max. Min. Union 1 Air Terminal.

58 28 58 28 Corona city 62 35 Cajon 60 28 El 56 25 Pedro 59 40 Imperial San Avalon, Santa Catalina 56 40 37 25 Porterville 50 29 25 60 56 40 Riverside San Fernando 28 65 Ana Santa Barbara 60 32 61 35 Long Beach, LOCAL FORECAST Angeles and vicinity: Partly For Los Wednesday and Thursday. Light cloudy frost in morning. Gentle shifting local winds. STATE FORECAST forecast: Unsettled with showers and norFRANCISCO, Jan, Weather SAN temperature Wednesday and Thursday; mal gentle Northern California: Generally cloudy westerly wind. Wednesday and Thursday: showers over north portion and snow over moderate the moun- west tains: normal temperature; wind off the coast.

Sierra Nevada: Unsettled Wednesday north and and Thursday: snow or rain over central ranges; little change in temperature; fresh west wind. Sacramento Valley: Unsettled with occasional showers and normal temperature Wednesday and Thursday; light variable wind. and Salinas valleys: GenSanta Clara erally unsettled with occasional showers Wednesday and Thursday: normal temperature: light variable wind. San Joaquin Valley: Partly, unsettled cloudy Wednesday and Thursday: in north portion; normal temperature; light variable wind. Southern California: Partly cloudy Wednesday and Thursday; followed frost by in interior normal Wednesday morning.

temperature; moderate northwest wind off the coast. ARIZONA FORECAST PHOENIX (Ariz.) Jan. Forecast for Arizona: Fair Wednesday and unsettled northeast portion; little except change in temperature. COLORADO RIVER YUMA (Ariz.) Jan. (Exclusive Dispatch from the U.

S. Geological Survey.) Gauge height Colorado River. 18.65 feet; discharge, Tuesday, 2400 cubic feet per second. TEMPERATURES AND PRECIPITATION of 5 a.m. All others as of 5 p.m.

Precipi- Stations- High. Low, tation. Abilene 54 26 48 26 Atlanta 56 46 T. Bismarck 2 -12 Boise 32 14 T. Boston 40 36 34 22 T.

78 66 1.01 66 .70 Chicago 20 Cincinnati 34 38 46 32 Denver 50 Moines 10 32 16 T. City 30 16 -22 Edmonton -12 .08 El Paso 48 24 Eureka 50 42 .50 Flagstaff 38 -14 Fresno 56 36 54 46 T. Junction 18 -6 74 56 20 Havre T. Helena 32 -2 -12 6 30 12 Jacksonville 74 70 1.08 28 20 24 16 Kamloops 24 18 T. Kansas City 34 10 Ketchikan 32 18 56 42 Lander 20 Rock 34 28 Los Angeles 59 41 Memphis 40 32 80 City 16 Minneapolis 8 -14 T.

Modena 32 -6 -10 -22 Needles 50 26 Orleans 56 52 T. New York Head 34 44 Platte 30 Oklahoma City 38 26 Omaha 28 72 .04 56 Phoenix 62 26 42 28 18 8 Point Arguello 56 42 .02 40 34 38 12 City 22 Redding .18 Reno 40 Roseburg 42 .10 48 14 Sacramento 48 38 .14 St. Louis 30 Salt Lake City 20 San Antonio 62 San Diego 58 San Francisco 50 40 26 Santa Fe 40 Seattle 40 36 .14 Spokane 30 26 .06 Mo. 32 16 Current -4 -12 82 70 .08 Tatoosh Island 38 36 .18 Tonopah 20 8 42 34 10 04 Walla 40 Washington 44 44 20 -12 Winnemucca 04 Winnipeg -36 Park 12 8 T. Yuma 58 36 -Below zero.

VITAL RECORD INTENTION TO MARRY The following notices of intention to marry were issued yesterday. Name, age and address given. ACH- FRIEDMAN. Russell, 32. Fairmont Hotel.

San Francisco: Bernice, 26, 2505 Anza street. San Francisco. CHANDLER. Robert 47. 903 South Gratton street; Florence 36.

92 South Kingsley Drive. BAAR CORTLAND. Tim. 24. 1133 Sanborn avenue: Ella, 24, 2976 Mayfield Road.

Cleveland. BARNES Duncan 23. U.8.8. New Orleans: Eunice, 19, 1407 avenue. Norwalk.

BARNETT Paris 21. U.S.S, Tenth Argonne: Martha, 18, 1228 street. San Pedro. BECK- CA Walter P. 25.

1910 Loma Vista. Pasadena: Ada 23, 1919 Oxford avenue. Pasadena. Victor 20. 5738 Carlton Way: Ruth 21, 3479 West Sixty-seventh street.

Henry 25, U.S.3. Saratoga: Helen 20, 624 West street. Long Beach. BOWDEN James 21. 16, 539 East Jefferson street: Virginia, East Jefferson Boulevard.

Louis. 21, 1423 Carroll street; Marian, 20, 809 North Ditman. COOK -McBRIDE. Ward 52, Hettinger, N. Margaret 45, 1135 Seventh street.

Long Beach, COOK- -SMITH. Herman. 25. 1247 Wesley Drive, Long Beach; Donna, 27, Grant Hotel. Long Beach.

CROUCH- George. 21, 1397 East -third street: Cleo 17. 1568 East Thirty-second street. DALE GOLDBERG. Kenneth 27, Criterian Apartments.

Santa Monica: Evelyn 5., 22. 342 South Cochran UNDERTAKING WITHIN FOREST LAWN The only undertaking establishment in the quiet seclusion of sacred cemetery grounds CEMETERY- MAUSOLEUM- CREMATION Forest Lawn Memorial-Park Inc. Telephone Albany 1121 SERVICES BY PIERCE BROTHERS 720 West Washington. PRospect 4156. CUNNINGHAM O'CONNOR SINCE 1898.

Competent personal vision, modern facilities and moderate charges have made this firm one of the foremost mortuaries in the West. 1031 SOUTH GRAND AVE. PR. 0297. EDWARDS BROTHERS COLONIAL ON MORTUARY 1000 VENICE BLVD.

PRospect 8281. REED BROTHERS CO. Myron Reed, John Tapley, Frank Geiger 721 WEST WASHINGTON ST. PR. 5151.

RUPPE, INC. Funeral Directors 1239 South Hope street. PR. 0115. GARRETT BROTHERS 921 Venice Boulevard.

PRospect 2089. BRAMBLE FUNERAL HOME Reverent Christian service. Moderate prices, PAUL D. ROBINSON 1001 WEST WASHINGTON. PR.




H. RIEDEMAN CO. 630 VENICE BLVD. PRospect 4094. GLASBAND COMPANY Jewish Directors.

PR. 1231. CEMETERIES INGLEWOOD PARK CEMETERY LARGEST IN CALIFORNIA use Mausoleum--Crematory--Columbarium PLeasant 3144. Telephone ROSEDALE CEMETERY PERMANENT--CONVENIENT--BEAUTIFUL Cemetery, Crematory, Columbarium, Vault 1831 W. WASHINGTON.


VALHALLA CEMETERY BURBANK, CAL. HOllywood 1961. BURBANK 540. CREMATORIES Venice L. Call or write for BOOKLET, "Time Changes All Things." CEMETERY LOTS WILL PAY cash for cemetery property.

L. W. Parker, 712 N. Kings Rd. YOrk 1802.

What's Doing TODAY Free permanent California hibit, State Exposition Building, Exposition Park, open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., except Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 12 noon, and Sundays, 3 to 5 p.m. Lecture, Central Library, 7:30 p.m. Prof.

Syud Hossain will speak on "The Pacific Triangle: China, Japan and Russia." Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, Harvard Business School, Zeta Psi and Pittsburgh Alumni luncheons, University Club, noon, and Garfield Club, Junior Chamber of Commerce and Saumur Society dinners, evening. Hollywood Lions Club luncheon, Hollywood Athletic Club, noon. Wilshire Rotary Club luncheon, Ambassador, 12:10 noon. Citizens' Forum lecture, Clifton Cafeteria, 648 South Broadway, 6:30 p.m. Kiwanis Club luncheon, Biltmore, noon.

Lecture on new books and modern plays, Los Angeles Evening College, 7 p.m. Los Angeles Art Association and National Academy of Design exhibit, Central Library, noon to 4:30 p.m. Southwest Museum exhibit and lectures, Highland Park, 1 to 5 p.m. Griffith Park Observatory and Planetarium exhibit and lectures, Griffith Park, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Lectures at 3 and 8:30 p.m. Los Angeles Museum exhibit, Exposition Park, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Rotarians Will Honor Educators Honoring Susan M. Dorsey, former superintendent of schools; Frank A.

Bouelle, retiring superintendent, and Vierling Kersey, incoming superintendent, the Rotary Club of Los Angeles will present a testimonial luncheon for the three educators February 5 at the Biltmore. Further honoring Kersey, who will take over Bouelle's post February 1, a dinner sponsored by the Board of Education, teacher organizations and service clubs will be held at the Shrine ditorium February 6. Rheba Crawford Wins Neon Permit Rheba Crawford, whose pro posed twenty-five-foot vertical neon sign for her church at nolia and Twenty-fifth streets was approved recently by the City Planning Commission, yesterday the board's approval also for the erection of a large, luminous cross on top of the church. The neon sign will bear her name..

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.